4.24.5 dhaivam EvAparE yagyam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 4

<< Chapter 4 verse 24

SlOkam – Original

dhaivam EvAparE yagyam yOgina: paryupAsathE |

word-by-word meaning

aparE yOgina: – Some other karma yOgis
dhaivam – worshipping dhEvathAs
yagyam Eva – yagya (sacrifice) only
paryupAsathE – are specifically engaged.

Simple Translation

Some other karma yOgis are specifically engaged in worshipping dhEvathAs only through yagya.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Some Yogis devoutly observe the Daiva-yajña only.’

Daivam yajñam=Sacrifices or acts of worshipping the Divinity itself (God). This, some yogis i.e., some Karma-yogis, devoutly practice. That is, they make this, their fixed occupation.

>> Chapter 4 verse 25

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