4.30.5 yajña-śiṣṭāmṛta-bhujo (Original)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 4

<< Chapter 4 verse 30


yānti brahma sanātanam

‘The eaters of the nectar-like remnants of yajña-offered food repair to the eternal Brahm.’

Beginning from ‘wealth-sacrifice’ and up to ‘Prāṇāyāma,’ are the several varieties of Karma-Yoga, engaged in by men according to their tastes. All these are yajña-knowers, or those who engage in the Mahāyajñas[1. The five Great Sacraments or Acts of Divine Worship ordained for every holy man are:- 1. Adhyāpana = The teaching of the Sacred Scriptures, etc., called Brahma-yajña. 2. Tarpaṇa = The oblation of water, food, etc., called Pitṛi-yajña. 3. Homa = The offering of clarified butter, etc., into fire, called Deva-yajña. 4. Bali = The distribution of food to creatures in general, called Bhūta-yajña. 5. Athiti-pūjana = entertainment of holy guests, called Nṛi-yajña. Vide Manu, III 69 to 73.] and other daily and incidental yajñas, referred to in:—

‘Having created beings with Yajñas etc.,’ (iii-10).

And therefore they are those whose evils have become destroyed by means of the yajñas.

Living on nectar-like remnants of Yajña-dedicated food, these practicers of Karma-Yoga reach the Eternal Brahm.

>> Chapter 4 verse 31

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