11.15 paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 11

<< Chapter 11 verse 14

SlOkam – Original

arjuna uvAcha
paSyAmi dhEvAms thava dhEva dhEhE sarvAms thathA bhUthaviSEshasanghAn |
brahmANam ISam kamalAsanastham rushImS cha sarvAn uragAmS cha dhIpthAn (dhivyAn) ||

word-by-word meaning

arjuna  uvAcha – arjuna spoke
dhEva – Oh lord!
thava dhEhE – in your form
sarvAn dhEvAn paSyAmi – I am seeing all dhEvas
thathA – similarly
(sarvAn) bhUtha viSEsha sangAn (paSyAmi) – I am seeing the collections of all creatures
(thathA – similarly)
brahmANam – brahmA
kamalAsanastham ISam – Siva (rudhra) who is obedient towards brahmA who is seated in a lotus flower
sarvAn rushIn cha – all sages
dhIpthAn (dhivyAn) – radiant
uragAn cha – serpents
paSyAmi – seeing

Simple Translation

arjuna said – Oh lord! I am seeing all dhEvas in your form; similarly I am seeing the collections of all creatures; I am seeing brahmA, Siva (rudhra) who is obedient towards brahmA who is seated in a lotus flower, all sages, and radiant serpents.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘I see, Lord! all the Gods in Thy Frame, and likewise all the diverse hosts of beings; Brahmā, and Īśa who is seated in Brahmā; all the Rishis and all the shining races of serpents’

O Deva! In Thy Body, I do see all the gods; and similarly the several classes of creatures; similarly Brahmā, the four-faced ruler of the mundane egg (Brahmāṇḍa) similarly Īśa or Śiva who is seated in Kamalāsana[1. Vishṇu’s navel is the lotus. Brahmā is born there. Hence he is
called Kamalāsana or lotus-seated, vide Nāmaliṇgānuśāsana I-17. Śiva is born from Brahmā. So he is said to be Kamalāsanastha or he who is seated in Kamalāsana. vide Śruti, ‘Brahmaṇah putrāya jyesṭhāya śreshṭhāya‘, = the noble eldest son of Brahmā.], (lotus-seated) or Brahmā, meaning that Śiva is under the control of (his father) Brahmā; similarly all the Devarshis and other Rishis, and all the shining races of serpents, Vāsuki, Takshaka etc.

>> Chapter 11 verse 16

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