14.11 sarvadhvArEshu dhEhE’smin

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 14

<< Chapter 14 verse 10

SlOkam – Original

sarvadhvArEshu dhEhE’smin prakASa upajAyathE |
gyAnam yadhA thadhA vidhyAdh vivrudhdham sathvam ithyutha ||

word-by-word meaning

asmin dhEhE – in this (material) body
sarva dhvArEshu – all the gates, i.e., the sense organs such as eye etc., through which knowledge is transmitted
prakASE gyAnam – knowledge which helps reveal the true nature of things
yadhA upajAyathE – when occurs
thadhA – at that time
sathvam vivrudhdham ithi – sathvam rises above (rajas and thamas)
vidhyAth utha – (jIvAthmA) shall know

Simple Translation

In this (material) body, when knowledge which helps reveal the true nature of things in the gates, i.e., the sense organs such as eye etc., through which knowledge is transmitted, occurs, (jIvAthmA) shall know that sathvam rises above (rajas and thamas) at that time.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘When intelligence is seen to shine through all the avenues of this body, then it is to be known that Satvam is regnant.’

When jñāna (understanding) or intelligence is seen to shine through all the channels of knowledge, the eye and the rest, producing a right conception of things, then it is to be inferred from this that Satvam is in the ascendant.

>> Chapter 14 verse 12

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