15.20 ithi guhyathamam SAsthram

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 15

<< Chapter 15 verse 19

SlOkam – Original

ithi guhyathamam SAsthram idham uktham mayA’nagha |
Ethadh budhvA budhdhimAn syAth kruthakruthyaS cha bhAratha ||

word-by-word meaning

anagha – Oh sinless!
bhAratha – Oh descendant of bharatha!
ithi – in this manner
idham – this purushOththama vidhyA
guhya thamam SAsthram – most secretive scripture
mayA – by me
uktham – instructed (to you).
Ethath budhdhvA – knowing this
budhdhimAn syAth – one shall become wise to attain me;
krutha kruthya: cha – shall have accomplished all the necessary tasks for such attainment.

Simple Translation

Oh sinless! Oh descendant of bharatha! In this manner, this most secretive scripture, purushOththama vidhyA, was instructed by me to you. Knowing this, one shall become wise to attain me and shall have accomplished all the necessary tasks for such attainment.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Thus is this most Occult Science unfolded by Me, O Sinless! Knowing it Bhārata! one shall become wise and shall have accomplished all his work.’

Considering you sinless i.e., worthy, this Secret of all secret Sciences, viz., the revelation to you of the Purushottama-aspect of Myself has been divulged.

He who knows this shall become wise:, i.e., he shall have acquired every wisdom which one who aspires to reach Me ought to possess.

He shall have accomplished, all his work: i.e., He shall have performed every act of duty which one of his stamp[1. Editor’s note: i.e., kind] is expected to perform.

This Stanza informs us that the Purushottama-knowledge —declared in this Lecture— a knowledge learnt from Śāstra, is alone sufficient to accomplish what is stated in this Stanza (viz., becoming wise etc); and no direct knowledge (or actual witnessing etc., of Purushottama) is demanded (as a sine qua none for growth of spiritual wisdom, and all that may follow thereon).


Thus closes Discourse Fifteen,

Named, the Purāṇa-traya-Purushottama-Yoga,


The Way to the Primal Spirit Supreme

With Śri Rāmānuja’s Commentary thereon,

In the colloquy between Śri Kṛishṇa and Arjuna,

In the Science of Yoga,

In the Theosophy (Divine knowledge) of the Upanishads,

Or the Chants of Śrī Bhagavān,

The Bhagavad Gītā[1. This Lecture contains an explicit explanation of the Three inevitable Postulates, viz., achit (matter), chit (soul) and Īśvara (God) to render a complete solution of the mystery of Life and Universe. This is the fundamental Thesis of Rāmānujā’s Visishtadvaitic Monism.].

>> Chapter 16 Introduction

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