SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
dhEvadhvijaguruprAgyapUjanam Saucham Arjavam |
brahmacharyam ahimsA cha SArIram thapa uchyathE ||
word-by-word meaning
dhEva dhvija guru prAgyA pUjanam – Worshipping celestial beings, twice-born persons [brAhmaNas], preceptor, learned persons
Saucham – the acts which lead to purity (such as taking a dip in holy rivers)
Arjavam – acting in harmony with the mind
brahmacharyam – not engaging in intimate acts with women
ahimsA cha – not harming other beings
SArIram thapa uchyathE – are said to be the penances performed with the body
Simple Translation
Worshipping celestial beings, twice-born persons, preceptor, learned persons, the acts which lead to purity (such as taking a dip in holy rivers), acting in harmony with the mind, not engaging in intimate acts with women and not harming other beings are said to be the penances performed with the body.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘That is called Bodily Austerity (tapas) which consists in the worship of the Devas, the Twice-born, the Teachers and wise men; in cleanliness, rectitude, chastity and harmless-ness’
Worship (or reverent treatment rendered by the body) to the Gods, the Twice-born (=the deivas or the Brāhmaṇas, the spiritual classes), the Teachers (=the gurus) and other men, who are ripe in (spiritual) wisdom.
Śaucham = Cleanliness of person by ablutions in holy waters, etc.
Ārjavam = Conduct in keeping with the intent (of mind).
Brahma-charyam = Chastity or the absence of lustful looking at women etc.,
Ahimsā = Absence of injury to creatures (harm lessness).
These constitute Bodily Austerity.
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