SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
SradhdhayA parayA thaptham thapas thath thrividham narai: |
apalAkAṅkshibhir yukthai: sAthvikam parichakshathE ||
word-by-word meaning
apalAkAkshibhi: – being detached from the results
yukthai: – with (the thought that this is part of worshipping paramAthmA)
narai: – by men
parayA SradhdhayA – with great faith
yath thrividham thapa: thaptham – the three-fold penance (explained previously) which are performed
thath – that
sAthvikam parichakshathE – is said (by scholars) to be sAthvika thapas (penance in the mode of goodness)
Simple Translation
The three-fold penance (explained previously) which are performed with great faith by men who are detached from the results and are with the thought that this is part of worshipping paramAthmA, is said (by scholars) to be sAthvika thapas (penance in the mode of goodness).
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘The threefold Austerity, done by men in fervid faith, exempt from hope of fruit, and devoutly, is Sātvikam, they say.’
Not longing for fruit; and devout, (yuktaiḥ) —i.e., imbued with the thought that all is worship rendered to Paramapurusha—; and united to ardent faith, the Tapas done by men, of the three kinds, Bodily, Oral and Mental (aforesaid), is declared to be Sātvikam.
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Adiyen waiting for further postings of gita from 17-18.
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