7.22 sa thayA SradhdhayA yukthas

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 7

<< Chapter 7 verse 21

SlOkam – Original

sa thayA SradhdhayA yukthas thasyArAdhanam IhathE |
labhathE cha thatha: kAmAn mayaiva vihithAn hi thAn ||

word-by-word meaning

sa: – that devotee of dhEvathAnthara (other dhEvathA)
thayA SradhdhayA yuktha: – with that faith
thasya – for that dhEvathA
ArAdhanam IhathE – tries to worship;
mayA Eva hi vihithAn – only by my sanction
thAn kAmAn – those materials which he desires
labhathE cha – also attains.

Simple Translation

With that faith, that devotee of dhEvathAnthara (other dhEvathA) tries to worship that dhEvathA; he also attains those materials which he desires only by my sanction.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Possessed with that faith, whoso devotes himself to that worship, obtains thence his wishes, but they are verily granted by Myself’

Whoso, then, with such unhampered faith (granted by Me) lovingly worships Indra etc., he obtains from such worship of Indra and other lower deities, who but form My body, his several desires. But these desires are decreed and granted by Myself.

When the votary is engaged in his worship of Indra etc., he is, indeed, ignorant that they constitute My body, and that worship rendered to My body is worship to Myself. And yet I consider the worship, forsooth, as My worship, and it is Myself Who grant the desires longed for by the worshipper.[2. Cp. Brahma Sūtra: III-2-37: ‘Phalam ata upapatteḥ’.]

>> Chapter 7 verse 23

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