2.49 dūreṇa hy avaraṁ karma (Original)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 2

<< Chapter 2 verse 48


dūreṇa hy avaraṁ karma
buddhi-yogād dhanañ-jaya
buddhau śaranam anviccha
kṛpaṇāḥ phala-hetavaḥ

‘(Fruit-breeding) works, Dhanañjaya[2. An epithet for Arjuna, lit: ‘the despiser of wealth’.]! are verily far inferior to wisdom-yoga. Seek refuge in wisdom. Poor are the fruit-seeking[3. Cf. Br:Up:V-8-10 …].’

Verily far inferior is work (done with self-interest), than work which is performed without regard to fruit, and which does not destroy the balance of mind under gain or no gain (of fruit). (This is wisdom-yoga, or work done without expectations and keeping the mind steady under all circumstances). The one kind of work which is done with the wise understanding mentioned, viz., buddhi-yoga or wisdom-yoga (or philosophy of work), removes all samsāra[4. Lit: that which ‘runs or courses’; means the circuit or circle of wordly existence, mundane life, material existence, matter-tied or matter-consorting existence, conditioned secular career, or matter-soul existence, coursing through a transmigratory revolution of births and deaths alternating. In Indian terms, Purusha consorting with Prakriti (or spirit-matter combination).]-suffering, and conducts (the worker) to moksha, -the highest spiritual acme of man’s ambition. The other kind of work (done with longing for fruit) breeds samsāra[5. Lit: that which ‘runs or courses’; means the circuit or circle of wordly existence, mundane life, material existence, matter-tied or matter-consorting existence, conditioned secular career, or matter-soul existence, coursing through a transmigratory revolution of births and deaths alternating. In Indian terms, Purusha consorting with Prakriti (or spirit-matter combination).], the nature of which is extreme affliction.

Hence, during actual performance of work, seek shelter under wisdom, with mind in equipoise (under every circumstance).

Phala-hetavaḥ are those whose motive to act is reward. But such men are kṛipaṇāh: poor or pitiable, inasmuch as they go into samsāra[6. Lit: that which ‘runs or courses’; means the circuit or circle of wordly existence, mundane life, material existence, matter-tied or matter-consorting existence, conditioned secular career, or matter-soul existence, coursing through a transmigratory revolution of births and deaths alternating. In Indian terms, Purusha consorting with Prakriti (or spirit-matter combination).]. (What makes them poor is the non-gain of moksha, which is eternal wealth.)

>> Chapter 2 verse 50

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