1.15 – pāñcajanyaṁ hṛṣīkeśo (Original)

SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:
SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:
SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 1

<< Chapter 1 Verse 14


pāñcajanyaṁ hṛṣīkeśo
devadattaṁ dhanañ-jayaḥ
pauṇḍraṁ dadhmau mahā-śaṅkhaṁ
bhīma-karmā vṛkodaraḥ

“Hṛishīkeśa[2. The 47th name of Vishṇu, lit. the “Ruler of the senses.” …] (blew) his Pāñchajanya[3. The “nom de guerre” of Kṛishṇa’s conch, made from the bones of giant Pañchajana of the ocean”.], and Dhanañjaya[4. Lit, “The conqueror of Wealth,” – an epithet of Arjuna.] his Devadatta[5. The “nom de guerre” of Arjuna’s conch (a Divine gift.)], and Vṛikodara (Bhīma) of terrific deeds sounded his Pauṇḍra, the huge conch.”

>> Chapter 1 verse 16

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