10.4 budhdhir gyAnam asammOha:

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 10

<< Chapter 10 verse 3

SlOkam – Original

budhdhir gyAnam asammOha: kshamA sathyam dhama: Sama: |
sukham dhu:kham bhavO’bhAvO bhayam chAbhayam Eva cha ||

word-by-word meaning

budhdhi: – the analytical ability of mind
gyAnam – firm knowledge (about the differences between chith and achith)
asammOha – elimination of bewilderment (of confusing one entity for another)
kshamA – forgiving (even when there is reason to be angry)
sathyam – speaking the truth
dhama: – controlling the external senses (from seeking out lowly enjoyment)
Sama: – controlling the mind (from seeking out lowly enjoyment)
sukham – favourable experience for the AthmA
dhu:kham – unfavourable experience for the AthmA
bhava: – joyful state (of the mind due to such favourable experience)
abhAva: – sorrowful state (of the mind due to such unfavourable experience)
bhayam – [fearfulness] sorrow (occurring due to foreseeing the upcoming sorrow)
abhayam – [fearlessness] elimination of such sorrow
Eva cha – these aspects

Simple Translation

These aspects such as the analytical ability of mind, firm knowledge (about the differences between chith and achith), elimination of bewilderment (of confusing one entity for another), forgiving (even when there is reason to be angry), speaking the truth, controlling the external senses (from seeking out lowly enjoyment), controlling the mind (from seeking out lowly enjoyment), favourable experience for the AthmA, unfavourable experience for the AthmA, joyful state (of the mind due to such favourable experience), sorrowful state (of the mind due to such unfavourable experience), [fearfulness] sorrow (occurring due to foreseeing the upcoming sorrow), [fearlessness] elimination of such sorrow …

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Decision, Knowledge, Disillusion, Forgiveness, Veracity, Government, Restraint; Happiness, and Affliction; Geniality and Non-geniality, Dread and Non-dread;’

>> Chapter 10 verse 5

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