12.19 thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 12

<< Chapter 12 verse 18

SlOkam – Original

thulyanindhAsthuthir maunI santhushtO yEna kEnachit |
anikEtha: sthiramathir bhakthimAn mE priyO nara: ||

word-by-word meaning

thulya nindhA sthuthi: – being equal towards praise and blame
maunI – being silent (while others praise or blame him)
yEna kEnachith santhushta: – being satisfied with anything which he gets, even if that is insignificant
anikEtha: – being detached from home etc
sthiramathi: – having firm mind in AthmA
bhakthimAn nara – the man who is devoted to me
mE priya: – is dear to me

Simple Translation

… who is equal towards praise and blame, who is silent (while others praise or blame him), who is satisfied with anything which he gets, even if that is insignificant, who is detached from home etc and is having firm mind in AthmA, that man who is devoted to me is dear to me.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Unto praise and blame the same; silent; with
anything satisfied; not home-tied; mind-steady; that man of Bhakti is dear to Me.’

The absence of hate towards foe or friend was already made mention of in Stanza: ‘Hater not of any creature’ etc., (Gi: XII-13); and equanimity to them, herein mentioned, is of a more pronounced type viz: equanimity even when they are face to face.

Aniketaḥ=not home-tied, means divested of love for home etc., because of the mind firmly devoted to ātma;

Similarly, bearing honor and disgrace equally; such a man of Bhakti is dear to Me.

Thus, having shown the superiority of the votary of Bhakti-yoga, (=God-seeker) over the votary of ātma = soul-seeker, the subject-matter (viz., Bhakti-yoga) is now brought to a close.

>> Chapter 12 verse 20

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