SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
thath kshEthram yachcha yAdhruk cha yadhvikAri yathaS cha yath |
sa cha yO yathprabhāvaS cha thath samAsEna mE SruNu ||
word-by-word meaning
thath kshEthram – the body which is highlighted as kshEthram in the previous two SlOkams
yath cha – what material it is made of
yAdhruk cha – which entities reside in it
yadhvikAri – its transformations
yatha: cha – the purpose of its creation
yath – what is its true nature
sa: cha ya: – what is the true nature of the jIvAthmA, who is highlighted as kshEthragya (knower of the field) in the previous two SlOkams
yath prabhAva: cha – what are his glories
samAsEna – briefly
mE SruNu – hear from me
Simple Translation
Hear from me briefly about the body which is highlighted as kshEthram in the previous two SlOkams, 1) the material it is made of, 2) the entities who reside in it, 3) its transformations, 4) the purpose of its creation, 5) its true nature, 6) the true nature of the jIvAthmA, who is highlighted as kshEthragya (knower of the field) and 6) his glories.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘Listen from Me briefly, what that Kshetra is, its purpose, its mutations, its origin, its nature; and what he (Kshetrajña) is, and his powers.’
That Kshetra: ‘(yat)’=what it is, means what its substantial nature is.
Yādṛik= what kind = what use or purpose it serves = to what is it a support or how it lends itself for service?
Yad-vikāri=The mutations or modifications or changes it undergoes.
Yataḥ=From whence, means whence it originates, or for whose use it is originated.
Yat=its nature or properties. And
What he is means what is Kshetrajña i.e., soul’s nature.
Yat prabhāvāḥ=his virtues or properties or powers.
Hear from Me a summary of all this.
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