14.19 nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 14

<< Chapter 14 verse 18

SlOkam – Original

nAnyam guNEbhya: karthAram yadhA dhrashtAnupaSyathi |
guNEbhyaS cha param vEththi madhbhAvam sO’dhigachchathi ||

word-by-word meaning

dhrashtA – one who is established in sathva guNam and has self-realisation
guNEbhya: anyam – the AthmA which is different from the qualities such as sathvam etc
karthAram na anupaSyathi – when he does not consider as the doer
guNEbhya: param cha (yadhA) vEththi – when he considers the qualities (the doer) to be different from AthmA (the non-doer)
sa: – he
madhbhAvam – my state
adhigachchathi – reaches

Simple Translation

When one who is established in sathva guNam and has self-realisation, does not consider the AthmA which is different from the qualities such as sathvam etc, as the doer, and when he considers the qualities (the doer) to be different from AthmA (the non-doer), he reaches my state.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘When the Seer cognizes no agent other than the qualities and knows what is beyond the qualities, then does he reach to My state.’

Thus by eating food of Satva-description, and performing works without regard to fruit but solely intended as worship to the Blessed Lord, the Rajas and Tamas qualities must be completely suppressed; and one should become thoroughly established in the pure Satva-quality.— When this Seer (conversant with the ways of the qualities) perceives that thus there is no actor or agent beyond the qualities themselves, in other words that the qualities themselves are the actors according to their respective natures; when the Seer also perceives that there is ātma, the action-less, beyond the qualities, he reaches My state, or state like unto Mine.

The purport is that ātma per se is perfectly pure, that agency in performing various acts comes to it derived or as a result of the union with the qualities as may be predetermined by the past Karmas; that ātma by itself is no actor, and is essentially of the nature of infinitely expanding intelligence. When ātma-nature is thus realized, then is reached a state equal to My State.

It is stated that after cognizing the actionless nature of ātma, which is beyond or other than, the action-full qualities, the state of the Blessed Lord is gained. What is this state like is now described:—

>> Chapter 14 verse 20

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