17.26 sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 17

<< Chapter 17 Verse 25

SlOkam – Original

sadhbhAvE sAdhubhAvE cha sadhithyEthath prayujyathE |
praSasthE karmaNi thathA sachchabdha: pArtha yujyathE ||

word-by-word meaning

pArtha – Oh son of kunthI!
sath ithi Ethath – the word sath
sadhbhAvE – indicating “an entity which exists”
sAdhu bhAvE cha – and indicating “a good entity”
prayujyathE – is said (both in common terms and in vEdham).
thathA – In the same manner
praSasthE karmaNi – even in worldly actions which are auspicious
sachchabdha: – the word “sath”
yujyathE – is used.

Simple Translation

Oh son of kunthI! The word sath is said to be indicating “an entity which exists” and “a good entity”. In the same manner, the word “sath” is even used to indicate worldly actions which are auspicious.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘In the sense of existence and of goodness, the word SAT is used. SAT is likewise used, Pārtha! in relation to auspicious events.’

Sad-bhāve = In the sense of Existence.

Sādhu-bhāve = In the sense of Goodness.

This is the sense in which SAT is used in all things, concerning the world and the Vedas.

Similarly, it is used in relation to any auspicious worldly event undertaken by any person, by calling such an event, ‘a good event’ (sat-karma).

>> Chapter 17 Verse 27

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