18.4 niSchayam SruNu mE thathra

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 18

<< Chapter 18 Verse 3

SlOkam – Original

niSchayam SruNu mE thathra thyAgE bharathasaththama |
thyAgO hi purushavyAghra thrividha: samprakIrthitha: ||

word-by-word meaning

bharatha saththama – Oh best among the descendants of bharatha!
thathra thyAgE – about this thyAga which is viewed differently by different persons
niSchayam – truth
mE SruNu – hear from me;
purusha vyAghra – Oh leader among men!
thyAga: – this thyAga (which is observed while performing karmas)
thrividha: – three-fold
samprakIrthitha: hi – was it not explained previously (by me)?

Simple Translation

Oh best among the descendants of bharatha! Hear from me, the truth about this thyAga which is viewed differently by different persons. Oh leader among men! Was this thyAga (which is observed while performing karmas) not explained previously (by me) as three-fold?

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Hear from Me, O Bharata-Best! the truth about this Tyāga. Verily Tyāga, O Tiger of men! is distinguished as threefold.’

While yet performing Vaidika-works there can yet be Tyāga or Renunciation (not abandonment) which I have already expounded to you as of three kinds:

(Firstly): Renunciation with reference to fruit;

(Secondly): Renunciation with reference to work;

(Thirdly): Renunciation with reference to agent.

Renunciation with reference to fruit, in other words, (performing works, and) abandoning fruits thereof, such as Svarga etc., they beget, found its expression in the Stanza:

‘With mind, ātma-absorbed, rest all works in Me. Rid of desire and ‘ my-ness’ and of (mental) fever, fight’ (Gi: III-30). The phrase, [nirāśīḥ] rid of desire means : ‘Let not the fruit of Svarga etc., be for me.’

Renunciation with reference to work is (performance of work, but) renouncal or abandonment of the egoistic notion : ‘This work is mine, and is the means for procuring my fruit’ (implied in the phrase [nirmamaḥ] rid of ‘my-ness’).

Renunciation with reference to agent is (performance of work, but) resting them in, or surrendering them to, the High Lord, with the thought that He is the Agent (or Author or Actor), and abandoning the idea that self is the agent or author of his works, (implied in the phrase [Mayi sannyasya] surrendering or resigning them to Me).

>> Chapter 18 Verse 5

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