2.45 thraiguNya vishayA vedhA

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 2

<< Chapter 2 verse 44

SlOkam – Original

thraiguNya vishayA vedhA: nisthraiguNyO bhavArjuna |
nirdhvandhvO nithyasathvasthO niryOgakshEma AthmavAn ||

word-by-word meaning

vEdhA: – vEdhams

thraiguNya vishayA – are focussed on the well-being of the ones having the three qualities (sathva, rajas, thamas).
arjuna – Oh arjuna!

(thvam thu – but you)
nisthraiguNya bhava – become free from having those three qualities
nirdhvandhva: (bhava) – become free from duality (like pleasure/pain etc)
nithya sathvastha: (bhava) – being with goodness that expands everyday
niryOgakshEma: (bhava) – being unconcerned with the ability to acquire things (yOga) and to protect those that are acquired (kshEma)
AthmavAn – become one who is fully focussed on the true nature of the self

Simple Translation

Oh arjuna! vEdhams are focussed on the well-being of the ones having the three qualities (sathva, rajas, thamas). But you become free from having those three qualities. And become free from duality (like pleasure/pain etc), being with goodness that expands everyday, being unconcerned with the ability to acquire things (yOga) and to protect those that are acquired (kshEma), become one who is fully focussed on the true nature of the self.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘The Vedas relate to (all) the three qualities[1. See Lect: XIV for an exhaustive treatment of the gunās. These are the three main characteristics of matter which keep the world moving. Satva is the tendency to produce goodness, purity, etc., Rajas is the tendency to act in the world with passions; and Tamas is the tendency to sloth, evil, etc.]; be free, Arjuna! of the three qualities; be free from the ‘pairs,’; be ever wedded to ‘satva,’; be unconcerned about acquisitions and their care; be (ever) ātmā-concerned.’

>> Chapter 2 verse 46

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