3.6 karmEndhriyANi samyamya

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 3

<< Chapter 3 verse 5

SlOkam – Original

karmEndhriyANi samyamya ya AsthE manasA smaran |
indhriyArthAn vimUdAthmA mithyAchAra: sa uchyathE ||

word-by-word meaning

ya: – one who is focussed on gyAna
karmEndhriyANi – sense organs such as mouth, speech, hands, feet etc
samyamya – controlling them well (so that they are not engaged in sensual pleasures)
vimUdAthmA – but having the heart/mind which lacks knowledge about self
manasA – in (that) mind
indhriyArthAn – sensual pleasures which are the food for sense organs
smaran AsthE – thinking about them
sa: – he
mithyAchAra: – having defective discipline
uchyathE – said to be

Simple Translation

One who is focussed on gyAna [yOga], controlling his sense organs such as mouth, speech, hands, feet etc well (so that they are not engaged in sensual pleasures), but having the heart/mind which lacks knowledge about self and thinking about sensual pleasures which are the food for sense organs in his mind, is said to be having defective discipline.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Pretender is that ātma-ignorant man, who in inhibiting the functions of the senses, yet, in mind, broods over sense-objects.’

Whoso, with the load of sins, not yet disburdened, with no control yet acquired over the inner and outer-sense-activities, strives for ātma-wisdom, but if he allows his thoughts to dwell on sense-objects, implying his love for them (not yet ceased), -and therefore his thoughts are absent from ātmā,- his conduct is false, for while he pretends to be doing one thing, he is doing another.

A man of this description striving for ātmā-knowledge, surely misses his mark and perishes.(i.e., fails).

>> Chapter 3 verse 7

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