9.3 aśraddadhānāḥ puruṣā (Original)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 9

<< Chapter 9 verse 2


aśraddadhānāḥ puruṣā
dharmasyāsya paran-tapa
aprāpya māṁ nivartante

‘People, heedless of this Dharma, Parantapa[1. Epithetic for Arjuna, signifying ‘the foe-harasser’.]! fail to reach Me, and revolve back into the mortal course of Samsāra.'[2. Lit: that which ‘runs or courses’; means the circuit or circle of wordly existence, mundane life, material existence, matter-tied or matter-consorting existence, conditioned secular career, or matter-soul existence, coursing through a transmigratory revolution of births and deaths alternating. In Indian terms, Purusha consorting with Prakṛiti (or spirit-matter combination).]

Dharma is this holy Means known as Upāsana (God-love). It is a virtue that has the fond object, Myself, as its Aim ; and the very practice of it is most pleasant and genial. It achieves for the practicer the highest of his ambition, Myself. Whoso, having arrived at the brink of practising this kind of devotion, are found lacking in attention, or fervour united with earnest longing, fall short of reaching Me, and allow themselves to be carried along the current of lethal Samsāra[3. Lit: that which ‘runs or courses’; means the circuit or circle of wordly existence, mundane life, material existence, matter-tied or matter-consorting existence, conditioned secular career, or matter-soul existence, coursing through a transmigratory revolution of births and deaths alternating. In Indian terms, Purusha consorting with Prakriti (or spirit-matter combination).].

Oh! Is this not very strange!!

Listen then to the Ineffable Glory of Me, —the Goal.

>> Chapter 9 verse 3

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