11.50 ity arjunaṁ vāsudevas tathoktvā (Original)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 11

<< Chapter 11 verse 49


sañjaya uvāca
ity arjunaṁ vāsudevas tathoktvā
svakaṁ rūpaṁ darśayām āsa bhūyaḥ
āśvāsayām āsa ca bhītam enaṁ
bhūtvā punaḥ saumya-vapur mahātmā

Sañjaya now said:

‘Speaking thus to Arjuna, Vāsudeva did again reveal His wonted figure. Donning again the milder-looking guise, the High-Souled (God) comforted him, the dismayed (Arjuna).’

Thus did the son of Vasudeva discourse with the son of Pāṇḍu, and once more did display His familiar Four-armed Form. Arjuna had been startled at the unusual vision which he had witnessed; and he was now soothed by the Lord appearing in His accustomed gentler Appearance (as Kṛishṇa)

Mahātma=(Lit): High-Souled, meaning, He Who is of Indomitable Will.

The manifestation of this Lord of all, —Supreme Spirit and Parabrahma, —in human shape —to bless the world,— and as son of Vasudeva, —was with Four Arms; but in answer to the prayer of Vasudeva, who was in terror of Kaṃsa, two arms were rendered invisible till the event befel, of Kaṃsa’s death, becoming visible again after that event. Vasudeva prayed thus:—

‘Art Thou Incarnate, O Lord of the lord of lords! bearing the conch, the wheel, the mace? O God! this Figure is Divine; be thou pleased to conceal and conceal it.’[1. Vish: Pur: V-3-10; ‘Jātosi deva-deveśa! śaṇkha-chakra gadā-dhara, divyam rūpamidam Deva! prasāden-opasamhara’.]

‘O World-soul! this Four-Armed appearance etc.’[2. Vish: Pur: V-3-12: ‘Upasamhara Viśvātman! rūpam etam chaturbhujam’.]

This four-armed figure of the son of Vasudeva was what constantly haunted Śiśupāla even, the enemy, so it is said:

‘Him Who is of Four Arms, broad and robust, bearing the conch, the discus, the mace etc.’[3. Bhāgavata (?). ‘Udāra-pīvara-chatur-bāhum, śankha-chakra-gadā-dharam’. Read also Vish: Pur: IV-15, 10 to 15.]

Hence, Pārtha also similarly exclaimed:

‘With that very same Figure of Four Arms etc’. (Gi: XI-46). Arjuna now said:

>> Chapter 11 verse 51

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