12.3 yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 12

<< Chapter 12 verse 2

SlOkam – Original

yE thvaksharam anirdhESyam avyaktham paryupAsathE |
sarvathragam acinthyam cha kUtastham achalam dhruvam ||

word-by-word meaning

anirdhESyam – indefinable (due to being different from body, and cannot be said as dhEva, manushya etc)
avyaktham – indiscernible (due not being seen by sensory organs such as eyes)
sarvathragam – while being present in all bodies
achinthyam cha – inconceivable
kUtastham – being common for all bodies
achalam – never slipping from its true nature
dhruvam – eternal
aksharam (tham) – that jIvAthmA

Simple Translation

[But those who are devoted to the] jIvAthmA (self) which is indefinable (due to being different from body, and cannot be said as dhEva, manushya etc), indiscernible (due not being seen by sensory organs such as eyes), inconceivable while being present in all bodies, being common for all bodies, never slipping from its true nature and eternal …

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘But those, who devote themselves to the imperishable, indefinable, indiscernible, all-entering, inconceivable, stable, immovable, eternal, —’

>> Chapter 12 verse 4

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