17.13 vidhihInam asrushtAnnam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 17

<< Chapter 17 Verse 12

SlOkam – Original

vidhihInam asrushtAnnam mantrahInam adhakshiNam |
SradhdhAvirahitham yagyam thAmasam parichakshathE ||

word-by-word meaning

vidhi hInam – devoid of permission (of brAhmaNas)
asrushtAnnam – having materials which are earned by unrighteous means
manthra hInam – devoid of proper manthras
adhakshiNam – devoid of offerings [to the brAhamaNas et al]
SradhdhA virahitham – done without faith
yagyam – yagya
thAmasam parichakshathE – is declared (by the knowers of SAsthram) as thAmasa yagyam (yagya in the mode of ignorance)

Simple Translation

The yagya which is devoid of permission (of brAhmaNas), having materials which are earned by unrighteous means, devoid of proper manthras, devoid of offerings [to the brAhamaNas et al] and done without faith, is declared (by the knowers of SAsthram) as thAmasa yagyam (yagya in the mode of ignorance).

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘That Yajña, they say, is Tāmasa, which is void of authority, which is devoid of earned food, devoid of Mantra and money-gifts; and devoid of faith.’

Vidhi-hīna = Void of authority, or the sanction of the Brāhmaṇas, who are wise both in precept and practice; devoid of their verbal sanction such as: ‘Do this Sacrifice.’

Asṛishtānnam = Food not lawfully earned. Food means things = (dravya), required for performing a Sacrifice. Means unprescribed food (by Law), or food prohibited (by Law)[1. Tātparya-chandrika tells us
that sṛishta means ‘earned by rightful means for the sake of yajña, and not obtained from Śūdras. The prohibition of the Law is not to acquire things for yajña in this manner.’] = achodita-dravya.

And (Sacrifices (Yajña) so performed, and unaccompanied by Mantras (=recitations of Holy Formulaes), by money-gifts, and done without faith, is declared to be of Tamas-character.

Now, in order to explain the three kinds of Austerity (tapas) as affected by the qualities, their character first, as that of Bodily Austerity, that as Oral, and that as Mental, the three sources from which Austerity springs— is first examined:

>> Chapter 17 Verse 14

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