17.22 adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 17

<< Chapter 17 Verse 21

SlOkam – Original

adhESakAlE yadh dhAnam apAthrEbhyaS cha dhIyathE |
asathkrutham avagyAtham thath thAmasam udhAhrutham ||

word-by-word meaning

adhESa kAlE – wrong place and time
apAthrEbhya: cha – wrong recipient
asath krutham – disrespecting the recipient
avagyAthAm – insulting the recipient
yadhdhAnam dhIyathE – that charity which is performed
thath – that
thAmasam udhAhrutham – is said to thAmasa dhAnam (charity done in the mode of ignorance)

Simple Translation

The charity which is performed at wrong place and time, to the wrong recipient, with disrespect and insult to the recipient, is said to thAmasa dhAnam (charity done in the mode of ignorance).

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘That is considered Tāmasa-gift which is given in wrong place, wrong time and to wrong recipients; (given) without honor, without ceremony.’

Gifts rendered in wrong (or unholy) places, (or wrong countries), wrong times (such as the Dead of the night), and to unworthy persons; also those given, without honor (asatkṛitam) = devoid of such respects as washing the feet (of the worthy recipients), and without ceremony (avajñātam) = unceremoniously = with disdain; (such gifts) are considered Rājasa (gifts).

So far, the distinctions of Vaidika (or Veda-bid) Yajña, Tapas and Dāna, characterized by Guṇas, Satva etc., have been shown. Now it is intended to show how these same Vaidika Yajña etc., become characterized when united with the Praṇava (OM), and when qualified by the symbols ‘TAT’ and ‘SAT’:

>> Chapter 17 Verse 23

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