SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
yath thu prathyupakArArtham palam udhdhiSya vA puna: |
dhIyathE cha pariklishtam thadh dhAnam rAjasam udhAhrutham ||
word-by-word meaning
prathyupakArArtham – expecting a favour in return
palam udhdhiSya vA puna: – or expecting a reward (in the after life)
pariklishtam – with an anguished mind
yaththu dhIyathE – the charity which is given
thath – that charity
rAjasam udhAhrutham – is said to rAjasa dhAnam (charity in the mode of passion).
Simple Translation
The charity which is given with an anguished mind, expecting a favour in return or a reward (in the after life), is said to rAjasa dhAnam (charity in the mode of passion).
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘That is considered Rājasa-gift given with hope of return, or for fruit, and unwillingly[1. Lit: ‘given with a pang.’] given.’
Gifts proferred with an eye for, or expection of, a return; or proferred with an aim for fruit (or reward); or proferred unwillingly (pariklishtam)[2. Lit: ‘given with a pang.’] inferior (or spoiled or damaged articles) retaining good articles —kalyāṇa-dravya— for oneself, from which unwillingness is evident (vide: Tātparya-Chandrika) are Rājasa-gifts.
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