SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
anubandham kshayam himsAm anavEkshya cha paurusham |
mOhAdhArabhyathE karma yath thath thAmasam ucyhathE ||
word-by-word meaning
yath karmam – The karma
anubandham – the sorrow which follows
kshayam – loss of wealth
himsAm – suffering [it causes] to creatures
paurusham cha – (self’s) ability to accomplish the task
anavEkshya – without analysing
mOhAth – without knowing (that bhagavAn is the controller)
ArabhyathE – commenced
thath – that karma
thAmasam uchyathE – is said to be thAmasa karma.
Simple Translation
The karma which is commenced without analysing the sorrow which follows, the loss of wealth, suffering [it causes] to creatures and (self’s) ability to accomplish the task, and without knowing (that bhagavAn is the controller), is said to be thAmasa karma.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘That Act is called Tāmasa which, in daring, is undertaken from delusion, heedless of issues, loss and hurt.’
Issues (anubandha) = the pain etc., which is a necessary concomitant of work.
Loss (kshaya) is the expenditure of money (etc.,) accruing from performing a work.
Hurt (himsā) = injury (trouble, annoyance, pain etc.,) that a work subjects creatures to.
Daring (paurusha) = the boast of the person to be able to carry a work on to completion.
A work done in such a heedless manner, from delusion (moha) or ignorance of the real Actor-ship of Paramapurusha, is called Tāmasa.
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