3.25 sakthA: karmaNyavidhvAmsO

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 3

<< Chapter 3 verse 24

SlOkam – Original

sakthA: karmaNyavidhvAmsO yathA kurvanthi bhAratha |
kuryAdh vidhvAms thathAsaktaS chikIrshur lOkasangraham ||

word-by-word meaning

bhAratha – Oh descendant of bharatha!
karmaNi sakthA: – being the ones who are inevitably connected to karma
avidhvAmsa: – those who do not know about the nature of AthmA in full
yathA kurvanthi – how they will engage in karma yOga (for self-realisation)
thathA – in the same manner
asaktha: – being detached from karma
vidhvAn – one who is well aware of the nature of AthmA in full
lOka sangraham chikIrshu: – desiring for the welfare of the world
kuryAth – will engage in karma yOga

Simple Translation

Oh descendant of bharatha! Just as those who are inevitably connected to karma and who do not know about the nature of AthmA in full, will engage in karma yOga (for self-realisation), in the same manner, those who are well aware of the nature of AthmA in full, will engage in karma yOga, desiring for the welfare of the world, though they themselves will be detached from karma.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Like the unwise, attached to works, act, Bhārata! (but) let the wise, in the interests of the world, also act, but unattached.’

>> Chapter 3 verse 26

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