4.14 ithi mAm yO ’bhijAnAthi

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 4

<< Chapter 4 verse 13.5

SlOkam – Original

ithi mAm yO’bhijAnAthi karmabhir na sa badhyathE ||

word-by-word meaning

ithi – in this manner
mAm – me
ya: – whosoever
abhijAnAthi – knows well
sa: – he
karmabhi: – sins (which are hurdles for the commencement of karma yOga)
na badhyathE – is not bound (it is implied that he will be relieved of such sins)

Simple Translation

Whosoever knows me well in this manner, he is not bound by the sins (which are hurdles for the commencement of karma yOga)  (it is implied that he will be relieved of such sins).

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Whoso, full well, knows Me thus, will not
be bound by works (karmas)’

Thus, i. e., (1) Me, as Author, and yet No-author in the way explained above; and (2) Me, the Non-concerned in the fruits of karma (works) (iv-13.5).

Whoso understands Me, thus, will not entangle himself in the past karmas, which forge connections with fruits thereof. (i.e. By knowledge, one renders the karma-power nugatory in producing effects). The past karmas are those that form the bar to the entrance of the postulant into (the portal of the kind of) Karma-Yoga (described here).

He will not be bound, means: he will be delivered from them (the bonds of karma).

>> Chapter 4 verse 15

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