SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
yasya sarve samārambhāḥ
tam āhuḥ paṇḍitaṁ budhāḥ
‘He, whose all-acts are devoid of desire and delusion (saṅkalpa), —the wise say— is the enlightened man, whose works are burnt up in the fire of wisdom.’
Kāma, desire, is the attachment (i.e., longing) for fruit. Saṅkalpa is delusion, imagining, or fancy. Delusion is the fanciful or wrong notion in one’s mind. The fancying (saṅkalpa) here alluded to consists in the thought which identifies ātma with prakṛiti (matter), and its (the latter’s) guṇās (qualities), and mis-conceiving them all as one (principle).
To the moksha-aspirant, all the nitya[1. The daily duties (nitya) are Snāna, Sandhyā, Vaiśvadeva-brahma-yajña, Deva-ṛshi-pitṛi-tarpaṇa, and Aupāsana. The occassioned (naimittika) are the Śrāddhās, Tarpaṇas, etc., performed on the Eclipse-day, Saṇkranti, Mahālaya, etc., Pūrva-Mīmāmsa says: ‘nitya naimittika karmācharaṇe phalam nāsti; akaraṇe pratyavāyaḥ’.], naimittika[2. The daily duties (nitya) are Snāna, Sandhyā, Vaiśvadeva-brahma-yajña, Deva-ṛshi-pitṛi-tarpaṇa, and Aupāsana. The occassioned (naimittika) are the Śrāddhās, Tarpaṇas, etc., performed on the Eclipse-day, Saṇkranti, Mahālaya, etc., Pūrva-Mīmāmsa says: ‘nitya naimittika karmācharaṇe phalam nāsti; akaraṇe pratyavāyaḥ’.] etc., frugiferous (kāmya) acts, necessitating the worldly activities such as earning money etc., for their sake, are devoid of desire (kāma).
To him, those acts are further exempt from fancies (saṅkalpa), because he performs them with the distinct knowledge he has of ātma, as contrasted with matter (prakṛiti).
Whoso does work in this fashion —work involving meditation of atma-wisdom— the wise, or truth-knowers consider him as one, whose all past deeds have become consumed in the fire of that (ātma)-wisdom.
Hence to work, is assignable a knowledge -(or-wisdom)- aspect.
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