SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
thadhvidhdhi praNipAthEna paripraSnEna sEvayA |
upadhEkshyanthi thE gyAnam gyAninas thathvadharSina: ||
word-by-word meaning
praNipAthEna – by offering obeisances properly
paripraSnEna – by asking questions with proper attitude
sEvayA – by performing service
thath – that transcendental knowledge
vidhdhi – know (from gyAnis (wise));
thathva dharSina: – those who have realised the knowledge about self
gyAnina: – gyAnis
thE – to you
gyAnam – knowledge about self
upadhEkshyanthi – (being pleased by your worship etc) will instruct.
Simple Translation
Know (from gyAnis (wise)) that transcendental knowledge by offering obeisances properly, by asking questions with proper attitude and by performing service; those gyAnis who have realised the knowledge about self (being pleased by your worship etc) will instruct the knowledge about self to you.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘By prostrations, by fair questionings and by service (sevā), know this. The truth-seeing Saints (jñaninaḥ) shall instruct you in wisdom.’
Know this: that is, knowledge (or wisdom) relating to ātma, propounded by Me in the verses, from : ‘know that that verily is imperishable etc.,’ (ii-17) up to:
‘This has been told you etc.,’ (ii-39).
Learn this you, as, —while engaged in prescribed work (or duties)— you advance; (acquire wisdom) or learn knowledge more and more —as you progress in your work— from wise men, by due prostrations (falling at their feet, as a mark of veneration and humility); by timely questionings; and rendering them (all kinds of) service.
The wise, -the truth-seers- are those to whom ātma is a demonstrated verity. Pleased by your suppliant demeanour, service etc., —they will divine what you in your heart desire to know, by your reverent questionings etc, and impart you the wisdom you are eager to acquire.
The nature of wisdom concerning the true nature of ātma, which becomes a matter of actual perception, (experience or demonstration, i.e., ātma is no more a hypothesis then) is described:—
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