5.3 jñeyaḥ sa nitya-sannyāsī (Original)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 5

<< Chapter 5 verse 2


jñeyaḥ sa nitya-sannyāsī
yo na dveṣṭi na kāṅkṣati
nirdvandvo hi mahā-bāho
sukhaṁ bandhāt pramucyate

‘He is to be known as ever sannyāsi[1. This term is applied to an ascetic or one who retires from the world. It means one who surceases from world’s activities, as well as Vedic ceremonies.], who neither hates nor craves. He who is above the “pairs”[2. The sense-contacts with external phenomena is sensations which are the sense-with-mind-contacts, ‘cold-heat’, etc., and then follow the reactions, pleasures and pains.], Mahā-bāho[3. A war-name of Arjuna, lit: the ‘strong-armed’.]! easily escapes from bondage.’

The karma-yogi who has experienced ātma-bliss that is involved in karma-yoga, does not desire for anything else than ātma. He has thus no occasion to hate anything. And therefore also is he one, capable of enduring the ‘pairs’[4. The sense-contacts with external phenomena is sensations which are the sense-with-mind-contacts, ‘cold-heat’, etc., and then follow the reactions, pleasures and pains.]. Such person is to be known as the constant sannyāsi, i.e., as he who is the constant practiser of jñāna (wisdom). Such person easily practises karma-yoga and he easily escapes bondage.

That, independently, both Karma-Yoga and Jñāna- Yoga, are each capable of conducting to ātma-attainment, is now shown:—

>> Chapter 5 verse 4

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