9.14 sathatham kIrthayanthO mAm

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 9

<< Chapter 9 verse 13

SlOkam – Original

sathatham kIrthayanthO mAm yathanthaS cha drudavrathA: |
namasyanthaS cha mAm bhakthyA nithyayukthA upAsathE ||

word-by-word meaning

mAm – me
bhakthyA – with devotion
sathatham – always
kIrthayantha: – being engaged in singing
dhruda vrathA: – having firm will
yathantha cha – taking efforts (in worshipping me)
mAm namasyanthaS cha – bowing down to me
nithya yukthA – desiring to be with me always
upAsathE – meditate upon me

Simple Translation

[Those gyAnis] always being engaged with devotion in singing about me, having firm will, taking efforts (in worshipping me), bowing down to me, desiring to be with me always, meditate upon me.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘By ever chanting hymns of Me, in firm resolve engaged in My services, falling prostrate before Me in rapt love, the hopers of eternal union with Me, meditate on Me.’

Overwhelmed with intense love for Me, they discover that it is impossible to support existence for even an infinitessimal part of a moment without being engaged in singing My names, or in holy exercises, or falling prostrate before Me, (the physical representation of the humbleness and poverty of the soul, and offering of self in love).

They repeat and call upon My names, —which connote the several distinguishing attributes of My nature,— their frames quivering and hairs bristling with joy, thrilled in holy excitement at such recollections, their voices tremulous and convulsed with holy joy, uttering broken speech, and constantly repeating in yearning notes such names as Nārāyaṇa[1. ‘Or the Eternal Lord of Bliss, —in Whom all the nārāḥ or eternal hosts of psychical and material entities ever live, move and have their being, and who, consequently, is designated their Ayana or Sustainer, Mover and Final Goal (according to the threefold etymology of the word Ayana).’ Page: 87, English Translation: Tatva-traya. Also see note 5, Chapter 1 Proem.], Kṛishṇa[2. See note 2, verse 1.32.], Vāsudeva[3. See note to verse 7.19; note 2, Chapter 8 Proem.] etc.

With equal zeal are they assiduous in the performance of holy duties and worship, as helps to which, in firm determination, they employ themselves in the laying out of gardens and construction of temples etc.

They stretch themselves on the ground —(overcome by holy passion)— like a fragile reed, regardless of dust, mire or pricking pebbles, all the eight[4. ‘Mano buddhy abhimānena &c.’] members of the body —the heart (manas), the intellect (buddhi), the sense of self-regard (abhimāna), the two hands and the two feet, and the head— falling prostrate in united concerted devotion and worship.

Ever and incessantly praying (in accents of love) to be eternally united to Me, they ever meditate on Me and worship Me, with the vivid fervent appeal that in holy service they may realize their true ātma-nature of abasement and abnegation (dāsya).

>> Chapter 9 verse 15

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