10.25 maharṣīṇāṁ bhṛgur ahaṁ (Original)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 10

<< Chapter 10 verse 24


maharṣīṇāṁ bhṛgur ahaṁ
girām asmy ekam akṣaram
yajñānāṁ japa-yajño ’smi
sthāvarāṇāṁ himālayaḥ

‘Of Maharshis, I am Bhṛigu; of speech, the monosyllable (AUM); of sacrifices, I am the sacrifice of japa; of the stationaries, Himālaya.’

Of the Maharshis[2. ?], etc, I am Bhṛigu. Speech means articulate sounds, signifying things (and ideas); of these, I am the monosyllabic symbol (AUM), the Praṇava[4. The sacred Vedic Syllable, known as praṇava, uttered at the commencement of all Scriptural recitations, and written at the beginning of all Holy Works. The mysteries of this symbol are explained in the Upanishats. (vide. p. 5 of Hinduism, Introd : I, “Five Topics,” by Yogi Pārthasārathi Aiyangār).].

Of sacrifices (yajñas), the best is that of Japa (or pious meditations on the Deity with the help of sacred formulae).

Of the (terrestrial) mountains, I am Himavān (or the Himālayas).

>> Chapter 10 verse 26

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