SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
na vEdhayagyAdhyayanair na dhAnair na cha kriyAbhir na thapObhir ugrai: |
EvaṁrUpa: Sakya aham nrulOkE drashtum thvadhanyEna kurupravIra ||
word-by-word meaning
kuru pravIra – Oh great warrior of kuru clan!
Evam rUpa: aham – I who am having this form
nrulOkE – in this world
thvath anyEna – other than you (who are devoted to me)
vEdha yagya adhyayanai: – (without devotion) by just learning vEdham, reciting vEdham, hearing vEdham or by performing yagya
dhrashtum na Sakya: – cannot be seen.
dhAnai: cha dhrashtum na Sakya – Cannot be seen by engaging in charities too.
kriyAbhi: cha dharshtum na Sakya: – Cannot be seen by engaging in fire rituals too.
ugrai: thapObhi: cha dhrashtum na Sakya: – Cannot be seen by engaging in fierce penances too.
Simple Translation
Oh great warrior of kuru clan! I who am having this form, cannot be seen by anyone other than you (who are devoted to me) in this world, (without devotion) by just learning vEdham, reciting vEdham, hearing vEdham or by performing yagya. I cannot be seen by engaging in charities or in fire rituals or in fierce penances too.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘Not by Vedas, not by Yajñas, not by Veda-study, not by gifts, not by works, not even by hard austerities, am I, in this kind of Form, seeable by any in this world, save yourself, O Kuru-Hero!’
By means of Vedas, Yajñas etc., I am not to be seen in this kind of Form, —which reveals Me as I am in essence —by any one, who is devoid of intense and one-pointed love (bhakti) towards Me— by any one than yourself.
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