11.12 dhivi sUryasahasrasya

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 11

<< Chapter 11 verse 11

SlOkam – Original

dhivi sUryasahasrasya bhavEdhyugapadhuththithA |
yadhi bhA: sadhruSI sA syAdh bhAsas thasya mahAthmana: ||

word-by-word meaning

sUrya sahasrasya bhA: – the brightness of thousand suns
dhivi – in the sky
yugapath – at once
yadhi uththithara bhavEth – if appeared
sA – that brightness
thasya mahAthmana: bhAsa: – that great lord’s brightness
sadhruSI syadh – will be comparable

Simple Translation

If thousands of suns were to appear at the same time in the sky, that brightness could be comparable to the brightness of that great lord.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Were a thousand suns to all at once burst forth in the heavens, then might the Majestic Soul’s radiance be compared to that brilliance.’

This is but a mere illustration to show the infinite splendour of the Form; a splendour, the radiance of which is never decreasing.

>> Chapter 11 verse 13

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