11.4 manyasE yadhi tachchakyam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 11

<< Chapter 11 verse 3

SlOkam – Original

manyasE yadhi tachchakyam mayA drashtum ithi prabhO |
yogESvara thathO mE thvam dharSayAthmAnam avyayam ||

word-by-word meaning

yOgESvara – Oh one with auspicious qualities!
prabhO – Oh sarvESvara! (Lord of all)
thath – your form
mayA – by me
dhrashtum Sakyam ithi – can be seen
yadhi manyasE – if you think
thatha: – due to that reason only
thvam – you
AthmAnam – your form
mE – for me
avyayam dharSaya – show in full

Simple Translation

Oh one with auspicious qualities! Oh sarvESvara! If you think that your form can be seen by me, due to that reason only, please show me your form in full.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Master[2. The 35th and 300th name of Vishṇu = the Master of hearts(Prabhu)]! should You deem Me fit to see (the Form), then do You, Yogeśvara! reveal Yourself to me in all (things).’

If You so think that Your form, connotative of the Divine functions of ‘all-Creater’, ‘all-Destroyer’, ‘all-Prop’ etc., is fit to be seen by me, then do You reveal Yourself to me. Avyayam is an adverb meaning, in entirety.

Yogeśvara!=Lord of Yoga. Yoga=the consensus of Divine attributes: Wisdom, Power, Sovereignty, Energy, Wonder, Glory[3. These are the Six Primary or
Principal Attributes (explained elsewhere). Wisdom (Jñāna) = Omniscience; Power (bala) = all-Supporting; Sovereignty (aiśvarya)=all-Ruling; Energy (vīrya) = Exhaustlessness; Wonder (śakti)= miracle-working, and glory (tejas)=all-Overpowering. (Vide Tāt-Chan:p:3). These attributes have also been explained elsewhere.], etc., not to be found allied to any other being save Yourself. That Yoga means this is testified to by:

‘See My Sovereign Yoga’ (Gi: XI-8).

To supplicating Arjuna, who was so desirous, and whose voice was convulsive with rapturous emotion, spoke the Blessed Lord thus:—

>> Chapter 11 verse 5

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