SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
indhriyArthEshu vairAgyam anahankAra Eva cha |
janmamruthyujarAvyAdhidhu:khadhOshAnudharSanam ||
word-by-word meaning
indhriyArthEshu vairAgyam – detachment towards sense objects such as Sabdham (sound) etc which are perceived through sense-organs
anahankAra: Eva cha – not considering dhEham (body) as AthmA (soul)
janma mruthyu jarA vyAdhi dhu:kha dhOsha anudharSanam – meditating upon the inferior nature of birth, death, old age, disease, suffering
Simple Translation
… detachment towards sense objects such as Sabdham (sound) etc which are perceived through sense-organs, not considering dhEham (body) as AthmA (soul), meditating upon the inferior nature of birth, death, old age, disease, suffering …
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘Non-attachment for sense-objects, and also non-egoism and remembrance of the evils of birth, death, dotage, disease and misery.’
Vairāgyam= Non-attachment, abnegation or distaste arising for things other than the soul, by reflecting that they contain evil.
An-ahaṇkāra=non-egoism=the absence of the love of mistaking the non-ego=body, for ego=soul. This is a single illustration (to stand for all similar mis-notions). It includes the absence of the notion of property for what is not property (=the ‘mine-ness’).
Remembrance of the evils of birth etc=the constant pondering over the fact that so long as existence, incorporeate lasts, evils of birth etc., cannot be averted.
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