SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
yO na hrushyathi na dhvEshti na SOchathi na kAnkshathi |
SubhASubhaparithyAgI bhakthimAn ya: sa mE priya: ||
word-by-word meaning
ya: na hrushyathi – that karma yOga nishta (karma yOga practitioner) who does not become joyful (on seeing pleasant aspects)
na dhvEshti – who does not hate (unpleasant aspects)
na SOchathi – does not worry (when losing pleasant aspects)
na kAnkshathi – does not desire (to acquire new pleasant aspects)
ya: – who
SubhASubha: parithyAgi – giving up puNya (virtuous) and pApa (sinful) karmas (actions)
bhakthimAn – being devoted to me
sa: – he
mE priya: – is dear to me
Simple Translation
That karma yOga nishta (karma yOga practitioner) who does not become joyful (on seeing pleasant aspects), who does not hate (unpleasant aspects), who does not worry (when losing pleasant aspects), who does not desire (to acquire new pleasant aspects), who is being devoted to me giving up puNya (virtuous) and pApa (sinful) karmas (actions), is dear to me.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘Who exults not, hates not, grieves not, craves
not, the renouncer of good and evil, that Bhakta is dear to Me.’
The karma-yogī who exults not on obtaining things which cause joy to mankind;
Hates not on the reverse of the above happening;
Grieves not over events which cause grief to mankind such as the loss of wife, son, wealth etc;
Craves not that such prosperity should accrue to him;
The renouncer of both good and evil, inasmuch as both merit and sin are one like the other in causing bondage;
Such a Bhakta is dear to Me.
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