SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
thatha: SvEthair hayairyukthE mahathi syandhanE sthithau |
mAdhava: pANdavaSchaiva dhivyau Sankau pradhadhmathu: ||
word-by-word meaning
thatha: – thereafter
mAdhava: – krishNa who is the divine consort of SrI mahAlakshmi
pANdava: cha Eva – and only arjuna who is the son of pANdu
SvEthai: hayai yukthE – pulled by white horses
mahathi syandhanE – in the big chariot
sthithau – being seated
dhivyau Sankau – divine conches
pradhadhmathu: – blew
Simple Translation
Thereafter, mAdhava (the divine consort of SrI mahAlakshmi) and arjuna (the son of pANdu), who were seated in the big chariot that is pulled by white horses, blew their divine conches.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
“Thereon Mādhava[1. The 169th and 741st name of Vishṇu-the husband of ‘Mā’ or Lakshmī, signifying that Mādhava stands in the relation of both Father and Mother to the universe…] (Śri Kṛishṇa) and Pāndava (Arjuna), seated in their huge war-chariot, drawn by milk-white chargers, blew their divine conches.”
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