SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
dyāv ā-pṛthivyor idam antaraṁ hi
vyāptaṁ tvayaikena diśaś ca sarvāḥ
dṛṣṭvādbhutaṁ rūpam ugraṁ tavedaṁ
loka-trayaṁ pravyathitaṁ mahātman
‘Indeed, is the interval betwixt the heavens
(above) and earth (below), and every direction, filled by Thyself alone. At sight of this, —Thy Marvellous Awful Form— all the Worlds Three, O Great Soul! are panic-struck.’
The terms, heaven and earth, imply all the upper and all the lower worlds (respectively). ‘The interval between’ is to mean the intervening plenum or space. In the spaces in which all the globes dwell, and in every direction, art Thou and Thou alone extended.
Thy marvellous Awful Form is solely by reason of its infinite pervasion, ineffably awe-inspiring.
All the three worlds: the worlds inhabited by Brahmā etc., the Deva and Asura bands, the Pitṛi-hosts, the Siddhas, the Gandharvas, the Yakshas, the Rakshas etc., —all present now to witness the (impending) conflict (between the Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas),— the three worlds distinguished as the habitat of (1) the friendly, (2) the inimical and (3) the middling, beings.
Panic-struck is to be over-terrified or staggered with awe.
Great Soul=One, Whose soul’s (or mind’s) working is unfathomable.
Like unto Arjuna, unto all beings were granted divine sight competent for direct apperception of the Kosmos-enfolding Image (of the Lord). If it be asked why, it is because to prove to Arjuna the extent of His Power.
Hence it is stated:—
‘At sight of this, Thy Marvellous Awful Form, all the Worlds Three, O Great Soul! are panic-struck’ (Gītā: XI-20).
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