12.9 atha chiththam samAdhAthum

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 12

<< Chapter 12 verse 8

SlOkam – Original

atha chiththam samAdhAthum na SaknOshi mayi sthiram |
abhyAsayOgEna thathO mAm ichchApthuṁ dhananjaya ||

word-by-word meaning

dhananjaya – Oh arjuna!
mayi – in me
atha sthiram chiththam samAdhAthum na SaknOshi – if unable to place your mind firmly
thatha: – due to that reason
abhyAsa yOgEna – by training your thoughts (in me who is having auspicious qualities) with great devotion (the heart/mind will become fixed in me)
mAm Apthum ichcha – you will desire to attain me

Simple Translation

Oh arjuna! If you are unable to place your mind firmly, due to that reason, by training your thoughts (in me who is having auspicious qualities) with great devotion (the heart/mind will become fixed in me), you will desire to attain me.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘If, to firmly plant in me the mind, you are unable,
then by means of practice, seek, Dhanaṇjaya! to reach Me.’

If, at once, to steadily keep the mind in me, you find not possible, then ceaselessly endeavour by discipline to so fix it in Me, —Me, the natural boundless Ocean of all the exalted countless glorious Attributes, such as Beauty, Compassion and Condescension, Love and Clemency, Sweetness and Dignity and Bounty; Courage, Valour and Daring; Wisdom, Lorship of spiritual kingdom (satya-kāmatva)[2. Nitya-vibhūtimatvam;], Lordship of secular kingdom (satya-sankalpatva)[3. Lila-vibhūtimatvam (Vide Śrutaprakaśikacharya’s commentary on Śaraṇāgati-gadya).], Godship and Cause-ship of all things; —Me, the Antithesis (or Antidote) of all vice.

Practice or effort is that of constant loving remembrance of Me. By this means, steadiness of mind is attained, and then you may seek to reach Me.

>> Chapter 12 verse 10

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