13.28 samaṁ paśyan hi sarvatra (Original)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 13

<< Chapter 13 verse 27


samaṁ paśyan hi sarvatra
samavasthitam īśvaram
na hinasty ātmanātmānaṁ
tato yāti parāṁ gatim

‘Verily, by seeing the lord (soul) abiding alike everywhere, one causes not to his self, mental injury; thereby doth he pass to the highest goal.'[1. I draw the attention of the readers to the excellent article: ‘Theosophical Axioms illustrated‘, No. II. Religious consciousness, by W. A. Mayers (Theosophist for Octr: 1898 p. 31, 32 where reference is made to the ‘Spiritual Soul as the Basis of Unity‘ &c., much in accord with Rāmānuja’s System.]

Īṣvara=lord=ātma=soul, which resides everywhere in the bodies of deva and the rest, as their sovereign (śeshi), their prop (ādhāra) and ruler (niyantṛi); and which is free from the corporeal differences brought on by being a deva etc.

Seeing alike=seeing that the soul wherever it do abide[2. reside], is, by its, essential character of intelligence [jñāna or consciousness), the same.

By thus comprehending ātma-nature, one harms not that nature by his mind (i.e., by thinking otherwise than as stated). Harms not=saves=deliverance (or redemption from samsāra. (i.e. the soul is saved by understanding its nature aright).

And then, by such knowledge, —viz: by comprehending ātma as the ‘knower’ and of uniform nature wherever it do dwell— one reaches the supreme goal; i.e., one realizes the highest ambition, by obtaining ātma-vision, in its true light. But if he should view ātma as different in the differentiating light which the diverse bodily forms, deva etc., present, he injures it i.e., he hurls it into the midst of the ocean of samsāra.

>> Chapter 13 verse 29

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