14.21 kair liṅgais trīn guṇān etān (Original)

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 14

<< Chapter 14 verse 20


arjuna uvāca
kair liṅgais trīn guṇān etān
atīto bhavati prabho
kim-ācāraḥ kathaṁ caitāṁs
trīn guṇān ativartate

‘By what signs is he to be (recognized), O Lord!
who has surmounted these three qualities? What is his conduct, and how doth he step beyond these qualities?’

Linga=signs=Characteristics which distinguish the person who has surmounted the three qualities. Āchāra= conduct or his behaviour in life, connoting his nature.

How=by what means he transcends the qualities, Satvam etc?

>> Chapter 14 verse 22

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