14.3 mama yOnir mahadhbrahma

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 14

<< Chapter 14 verse 2

SlOkam – Original

mama yOnir mahadhbrahma thasmin garbham dhadhAmyaham |
sambhava: sarvabhUthAnAm thathO bhavathi bhAratha ||

word-by-word meaning

bhAratha – Oh descendant of bharatha clan!
yOni: – being the origin (for the whole world)
mama – my
mahath – great
brahma yath – mUla prakruthi (primordial matter) which is called as brahmam
thasmin – in that
garbham – pregnancy (in the form of a collection of all chEthanas)
aham dhadhAmi – I sow;
thatha: – by joining these two (matter and souls)
sarva bhUthAnAm – all creatures (starting from brahmA down to grass)
sambhava: – birth
bhavathi – occur

Simple Translation

Oh descendant of bharatha clan!  I sow the pregnancy (in the form of a collection of all chEthanas) in the great mUla prakruthi (primordial matter) which is called as brahmam, and is the the origin (for the whole world); by joining these two (matter and souls), the birth of all creatures (starting from brahmA down to grass) occur.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘The vast brahma (matter) is My womb, into which I sow the germ (soul). Thence comes, Bhārata! the birth of all beings.’

The inert or inanimate matter-stuff alluded to in: ‘Earth, water, fire, air and space, manas, buddhi and ahaṇkāra, thus constitute My eightfold differentiated matter.’ ‘ But this is inferior’ (Gi: VII-4,5), is what is designated here by the term brahma, (the vast or great, or infinitely extended) by reason of its being the primal cause of all the differentiations which emanate therefrom in the forms of Mahat (=buddhi), Ahaṇkāra etc. Passages of Śrutis are also found here and there calling matter-stuff by this name, brahma. As an allusion, is the following:

‘Who is omniscient and all-knowing; Whose meditation is wisdom-full; Whence, this brahma (matter-stuff) and the Kosmos (annam) of (manifested) names and forms, springs forth’.[1. Muṇd: Up°: II-2-7: ‘Yas sarvajñas etc.’]

By the term garbha (=germ=foetus=embryo), the seed en masse of all animate creatures is meant as alluded to in:

‘Other than this, My superior Nature, the life-nature etc. (Gi: VII-5).

Thus in the inanimate (or inert-natured womb-like vast matter-stuff I cast the seed of the aggregate of the animate principle (jīva=soul). In other words it means: ‘I unite with the field that is inanimate, —the field of enjoyment,— the aggregate constituting the animate principle, —the enjoyers in (and of) the field.’

Thus are all beings from Brahma down to the tuft of grass are by My will produced, from the conjunction of the aforesaid dual Principles.

That this evolute-product or the manifested condition of this union, has been produced by Myself is now shown:-

>> Chapter 14 verse 4

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