17.28 aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 17

<< Chapter 17 Verse 27

SlOkam – Original

aSradhdhayA hutham dhaththam thapas thaptham krutham cha yath |
asadhithyuchyathE pArtha na cha thath prEthya nO iha ||

word-by-word meaning

pArtha – Oh son of kunthI!
aSradhdhayA krutham – performed without faith
yath – that
hutham – hOma (yagya, sacrifice)
dhaththam – dhAnam (charity)
yath thapa: cha thaptham – the penance which is performed (that)
asath ithi uchyathE – is said to be as “asath”;
thath – that
prEthya na – does not lead to mOksham (liberation);
iha cha nO – does not lead to any materialistic benefit as well.

Simple Translation

Oh son of kunthI! That hOma (yagya, sacrifice), dhAnam (charity) and the penance which is performed (that) without faith is said to be as “asath”; that neither leads to mOksham (liberation) nor to any materialistic benefit.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘What without faith is given, what Tapas done, and what is done, (Yajña) is called A-SAT, Pārtha! which is neither for here nor for hereafter.’

Even if it be according to Śāstra-ordinance, but if it be without faith, Homa etc., done, is called A-SAT. Why? Because it is neither for here nor for hereafter, i.e., neither for any fruit to be obtained in the world (iha) nor for any fruit to be obtained in the shape of Moksha (pretya).


Thus closes Discourse Seventeen,

Named, the Śraddhāa-Traya-Vibhāga-Yoga,


The Book of the Threefold Division of Faith,

With Śri Rāmānuja’s Commentary thereon,

In the colloquy between Śri Kṛishṇa and Arjuna,

In the Science of Yoga,

In the Theosophy (Divine knowledge) of the Upanishads,

Or the Chants of Śrī Bhagavān,

The Bhagavad-Gītā.

>> Chapter 18 Introduction

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