SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
thyAjyam dhOshavadhithyEkE karma prAhur manIshiNa: |
yagyadhAnathapa:karma na thyAjyam ithi chAparE ||
word-by-word meaning
EthE manIshiNa: – Some learned persons
dhOshavath karma – karmas such as yagya (sacrifice), which are with defects
thyAjyam – can be given up (by mumukshus (liberation seekers))
ithi prAhu: – said;
aparE cha (manIshiNa:) – Some other learned persons
yagya dhAna thapa: karma – karmas such as yagya (sacrifice), dhAna (charity), thapa (penance)
na thyAjyam – cannot be given up (even by mumukshus)
ithi (prAhu:) – said.
Simple Translation
Some learned persons said “karmas such as yagya (sacrifice), which are with defects, can be given up (by mumukshus (liberation seekers)); some other learned persons said “karmas such as yagya (sacrifice), dhAna (charity), thapa (penance) cannot be given up (even by mumukshus)”.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
‘Some philosophers declare that work should be abandoned as evil; and others that works, —Yajña, Dāna and Tapas— should not be abandoned.’
Some philosophers like Kapila[1. The Father of Sānkhya Philosophy.], and others also, who are Vaidikas, but who still follow Kapila, assert that as all works such as Yajña, etc., are prolific of evil, such as desire etc., since they conduce to bondage, they are fit to be abandoned by the Moksha-aspirant.
Other learned men say they are not to be given up.
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