SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama:
SlOkam – Original
SrI bhagavAn uvAcha
prajahAthi yadhA kAmAn sarvAn pArtha manOgathAn |
Atmani EvAthmanA tushta: sthithapragyas tadhOchyathE ||
word-by-word meaning
SrI bhagavAn – Bhagavan (krishna)
uvacha – said
pArtha – Oh son of pruthA!
AthmanA – with the mind (that is focussed on AthmA)
Athmani Eva – in the AthmA (which is blissful)
thushta: – being affectionate
manO gathAn – in the mind
sarvAn kAmAn – all desires (on other matters)
yadhA – when
prajahAthi – gives up totally
thadhA – at that time
sthitha pragya: uchyathE – he is known to be a sthitha pragya
Simple Translation
Oh son of pruthA! When one is being affectionate towards one’s AthmA (which is blissful) with the mind (that is focussed on AthmA) and gives up all desires (on other matters) totally, at that time, he is known to be a sthitha pragya.
Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam
Śri Bhagavān (Lord Kṛishṇa) answers:
‘Then is he called ‘sthita-prajñaḥ,’ Pārtha! when he shall have fully discarded all desires rooted in the heart, and when his mind shall have become solely Ātmā-satisfied.'[1. This stage is called Vaśīkāra-Saṃjñā.]
Whereas, when the peculiar occupation (of the Adept) is described, his character becomes known, therefore that occupation is described. By his mind (ātmanā), being made to fully occupy itself with (thoughts of) ātmā (soul) alone, he is said to be ‘ātmā-satisfied.’ When with mind so occupied (or absorbed), other desires abiding therein are thoroughly banished, then is he called ‘sthita-prajñaḥ’ (will-concentrated or wisdom-ripe).
This is the ultimate stage (or climax) of wisdom-culture. (vide: Vaśīkāra-Saṃjñā, Ek-endriya-Saṃjñā, Vyatireka-Saṃjñā and Yatamāna-Saṃjñā noted in the foot notes of following verses.).
After this, the next lower stage -or intermediate stage- of the wisdom-culturer (or will-practicer) is defined:-
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