3.36 atha kEna prayukthO’yam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 3

<< Chapter 3 verse 35

SlOkam – Original

arjuna uvAcha
atha kEna prayukthO’yam pApam charathi pUrusha: |
anichchannapi vArshNEya balAdh iva niyOjitha: ||

word-by-word meaning

arjuna uvAcha – arjuna said
vArshNEya – Oh krishNa, descendant of vrshNi clan!
ayam – this person who is trying to practice gyAna yOga
anichchan api – not interested in enjoying worldly pleasures
kEna prayuktha: – instigated by what reason
balAth niyOjitha: iva – as if he was forced into against his will
pApam – the sin of engaging in worldly pleasures
charathi – doing it?

Simple Translation

arjuna asked:

Oh krishNa, descendant of vrshNi clan! Instigated by what reason, this person who is trying to practice gyAna yOga, who is not interested in enjoying worldly pleasures, is doing the sin of engaging in worldly pleasures as if he was forced into against his will?

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘What is it then, Vārshṇeya[1. A patronymic of Kṛishṇa (vide Genealog: Tree at end of Lect: I.]! prompted by which one wallows in sin? as if forced into it against his will ?’

What is it, (Kṛishṇa!) that impels a person —dragged as it were by force, into the ways of evil,— who is desirous of embarking on the course of Jñāna-Yoga?

Śrī Bhagavān (Kṛishṇa) answers :—

>> Chapter 3 verse 37

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