6.3 ArurukshOr munEr yogam

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 6

<< Chapter 6 verse 2

SlOkam – Original

ArurukshOr munEr yogam karma kAraNam uchyathE |
yOgArUdasya thasyaiva Sama: kAraNam uchyathE ||

word-by-word meaning

yOgam – Athma sAkshAthkAram (Vision of AthmA)
ArurukshO: – one who desires to attain
munE –  for the mumukshu who engages in meditation of AthmA
karma – karma yOga
kAraNam uchyathE – explained as the means (to attain such goal).
yOga ArUdasya thasya Eva – For him who is established [having achieved the goal] in such vision
Sama: – not being engaged in karma yOga
kAraNam – as the reason
uchyathE – explained.

Simple Translation

For a who mumukshu who engages in meditation of AthmA desiring to attain Athma sAkshAthkAram (Vision of AthmA), karma yOga is explained as the means (to attain such goal). For him who is established [having achieved the goal] in such vision, [such attainment itself] is explained as the reason for not being engaged in karma yOga [subsequently].

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘For the yoga-ascending[1. Ārurukshu, lit: yoga-scaling, the neophyte, or the novice.] muni, Work is declared as the Means. But for him, —the yoga-ascended[2. Yogārūdha, lit: yoga-scaled, yoga-risen, the adept.]—, Peace is declared as the Means.’

Karma-yoga is prescribed as Means for the yoga-ascending (ārurukshuḥ[3. Ārurukshu, lit: yoga-scaling, the neophyte, or the novice.]) or him who is striving to achieve ātma-vision. But for the same person, when yoga-ascended (ārūdhaḥ)[4. Yogārūdha, lit: yoga-scaled, yoga-risen, the adept.] or when securely established in yoga (meditation), Peace or surceasal from work is prescribed. Hence, the conclusion is that Work (karma) is incumbent, till moksha or ātma-seeing moksha is effected.

When is one supposed to be well established in yoga (i.e., meditation that leads to ātma-consciousness)?. (It is said):—

>> Chapter 6 verse 4

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