10.36 dhyUtham chalayathAm asmi

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 10

<< Chapter 10 verse 35

SlOkam – Original

dhyUtham chalayathAm asmi thEjas thEjasvinAm aham |
jayO’smi vyavasAyo’smi sathvam sathvavathAm aham ||

word-by-word meaning

chalayathAm – among the abodes of the cheating attitude of those who cheat
dhyUtham asmi – I am gambling
thEjasvinAm – of the lustruous people
thEja aham – I am the lustre
jaya asmi – I am the victory of the victorious
vyavasAya asmi – I am the faith of the faithful
sathvathAm – Of the magnanimous people
sathvam aham – I am the magnanimous heart

Simple Translation

I am gambling among the abodes of the cheating attitude of those who cheat; I am the lustre of the lustruous people; I am the victory of the victorious; I am the faith of the faithful; I am the magnanimous heart of the magnanimous people.

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘Of dupes, I am the gambling; of the illuminated,
I (am) the lustre; I am victory; I am effort; and the goodness of the good.’

Of the dupes or those engaged in imposing on each other, I am the materials such as dice etc., used for gambling purposes.

I am victory of the victorious; and the effort of those who labour.

Satvam=goodness=magnanimity of mind.

>> Chapter 10 verse 37

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