11.26 amI (cha thvAm) sarve dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA:

SrI:  SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:  SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:  SrImath varavaramunayE nama:

Chapter 11

<< Chapter 11 verse 25

SlOkam – Original

amI (cha thvAm) sarve dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA: sarvE: sahaivAvanipAlasanghai: |
bhIshmO dhrONa: sUthaputhras thathA’sau sahAsmadhIyair api yOdhamukhyai: ||

word-by-word meaning

amI sarvE dhrutharAshtrasya puthrA: – the hundred sons of dhrutharAshtra who are seen across us
bhIshma – bhIshma, the grandfather
dhrONa – dhrONa, the teacher
thathA asau sUthaputhra: – karNa who is also seen here
avani pAla sanghai: sarvai: saha – all the rulers (who are on their side)
asmadhIyai: api yOdhamukhyai: – along with some warriors from our side too

Simple Translation

All the the hundred sons of dhrutharAshtra who are seen across us, bhIshma, dhrONa, karNa who is also seen here, all the rulers (who are on their side) along with some warriors from our side too …

Rendering based on ALkoNdavilli gOvindhAchArya swAmy’s English translation of gIthA bhAshyam

‘All these scions of Dhṛitarāshtra, along with the bands who rule earth, Bhīshma and Droṇa and the yon Driver’s son Karṇa, as well our warrior-chiefs,’

>> Chapter 11 verse 27

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